
Meanings, Powers, and Benefits

Humans are naturally receptive to the vibrations of gemstones and crystals as they transmit, reflect, store, and receive energy. When placed directly on your body, these beautiful stones have a powerful effect that transfers from the crystal to you.

All of the stones and crystals we use have unique meaning and powers and will transform your life by manifesting energy. When you wear our jewelry, you’re wearing more than just a simple fashion accessory—you’re wearing the power to redefine your life.


Agate enhances physical and emotional strength, intellect, creativity, courage, and harmony. It balances yin/yang energy, dispels fears and envy, eases anxiety and stress, and offers good luck and protection.


This stone brings truth, honor, communication, integrity, hope, and trust. It enhances intuition, psychic powers, creativity, and intellect. It is noted to lessen stress and self-defeating behaviors by calming and building self-esteem.


Amethyst brings prosperity and abundance. It promotes peacefulness, happiness, and contentment, inner strength, and emotional stability. It offers protection and is useful in breaking addictions and destructive behaviors.


Apatite is a stone of manifestation. It will help boost your creativity, imagination, motivation, and intellect to turn your ideas into a successful reality. It boosts feelings of confidence and optimism and helps to remove negativity. Wearing Apatite will reduce irritability, apathy, sorrow, and anger while restoring balance physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.


Aventurine enhances creativity, imagination, happiness, mental clarity, and intellect. It brings calm, balance, prosperity, and career success. It also brings luck, especially in games of chance.


Calcite is a powerful cleanser of energies. It protects, grounds, and centers the wearer. It aids inner peace, intuition, and promotes creativity and imagination.


Citrine brings love and joy to the wearer and is known as the lucky "Merchants Stone". If you are in sales, wear citrine for success. It is used to increase self-esteem, protect from the negative energy from someone else's abuse, open the mind to new thoughts, and promote clarity of thought.


Coral attracts love and prosperity and promotes creativity, optimism, and diplomacy. Coral brings inner peace, strength, visualization, and understanding of purpose.


Fluorite also called the "Genius Stone" increases concentration and learning. It clears mental blocks, enhances focus, and reduces learning disorders. It also aids decision-making, and calms and relieves anxiety, tension, and stress.


Garnet inspires a sense of lightness and brightness, it brings joy and hope to its user, and helps lessen anger, especially toward oneself. It gives willpower and courage to any situation and helps bring ideas and feelings to the surface to be acted upon. It also inspires love and passion, devotion and loyalty, and personal relationships of all kinds. It is a useful relationship tool both personally and in business.


This stone is, also called the stone of ambition, will help the wearer attain their goals. It also helps to calm and stabilize emotions, and protect the wearer by deflecting unwanted energies.


Hematite is excellent for grounding and balancing energy and stimulating the mind. It heightens self-confidence, willpower, and self-esteem. It is also used to improve relationships and increase intuition.


Howlite is a super-calming stone that helps to relieve stress of all kinds. It makes an excellent antidote to insomnia due to an overactive mind, helps with patience, and when carried on your body, will absorb your own anger - or another's anger that is directed toward you. It also helps to overcome critical or selfish behavior. Healing properties of Howlite include: Relief from insomnia, balances calcium levels, and strengthens teeth and bones.


Jade is used to attract love and can bring money into your life. It strengthens your mental faculties and assists in clear reasoning. It is also a protective stone, guarding against accidents and misfortune.


Jasper is a strong protection stone, jasper sustains and supports during times of stress. It is a strong guarding and stabilizing gemstone which provides powerful protection against things that are not good for you. It channels positive energy and eases emotional stresses.



Dalmatian Jasper is also known as Dalmatian Stone, it helps to decrease disillusionment, and helps you to let go of the things that are no longer of value to you. It encourages you to move forward in your life and to find your true purpose for being here. Dalmatian Jasper also brings childlike joy and playfulness into your life and will aid with spiritual grounding and psychic protection. Its energy vibrates within the power chakra and is helpful for digestion.



Peridot Jasper is a strong protection stone, jasper sustains and supports during times of stress. It is a strong guarding and stabilizing gemstone which provides powerful protection against things that are not good for you. It channels positive energy and eases emotional stresses.


Labradorite is a power stone, allowing you to see through illusions and achieve your dreams and goals. It strengthens intuition, stimulates imagination, develops enthusiasm, and inspires new ideas. and helps with meditation. It also relieves stress and anxiety, regulates metabolism, and balances hormones.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli enhances mental clarity, intuition, creativity, and promotes honesty, openness, and organization. It conveys protection, emotional and mental virility, and strengthens and focuses the mind.


Lava is a stone of strength and courage. It allows one the opportunity for stability throughout changes in their life. It helps to diminish the negative aspects of one’s character to allow for positive change.


Magnesite will aid in creating amazing changes in your life. It enhances creative visualization and imagination and helps them to live life in alignment with your heart's needs and aspirations. It increases self-esteem and love.


Malachite is a stone of positive transformation that enhances gentleness of the heart. It brings good fortune, prosperity, and abundance, and is a very protective stone. Use to ward off evil, and for a healthy pregnancy, childbirth, and children.


Moonstone is a stone of inner growth and strength, it brings good fortune, enhances intuition, brings success in love and business, and offers protection. It also aids with hormonal and menstrual issues and can help men open up emotionally.

Mother of Pearl

Mother of pearl will help you accept life changes and react to them in an empowered and confident manner. It guides you in finding yourself, what motivates you, what makes you feel at peace, and what truly makes you happy. It will reduce stress and feelings of aggressiveness, and enhance communication skills and clarity of thought.


Obsidian is born out of rapidly cooling lava flows from a volcano, so it is potent with the energies of the elements; fire, water, and earth. It is a stone of strength and self-assurance, so keep this stone close in times of doubt and uncertainty. It will help to ground you and awaken your inner warrior to deal with things, situations, and people in your life with strength and courage. It will also act as a protective stone to ward off all negative energies.


Golden Sheen

Golden Sheen Obsidian is a powerful stone for manifesting and attracting prosperity and abundance. It is a stone for illumination and enlightenment and supports manifesting what brings joy and fulfillment. Obsidian eliminates the sense of futility or ego conflict and assists in dispersing negativity physically, mentally, and emotionally.



Snowflake Obsidian is a stone that encourages purity and brings balance to the body, mind, and spirit. It helps the wearer to keep centered and focused in any type of turbulent situation. It can remove negativity from a place or person and is grounding and protective.


Onyx is a powerful protection stone that absorbs and transforms negative energy and helps to prevent the drain of personal energy. It aids emotional and physical strength and stamina, especially during times of stress, confusion, or grief. Wear it to foster wise decision-making, happiness, and good fortune.


Opalite helps to harness and increase personal power. It boosts self-esteem and improves a sense of self-worth. Opalite will also help unleash your inner strength, uncover and express deeper feelings. It opens up the third eye chakra of vision, insight, and intuition.


Pearls stimulate spiritual transformation. They promote prosperity and success and enclose you with an aura of calm and beauty. They help relieve emotional stress and amplify focus, meditation skills, and wisdom.


Pyrite, also known as fools gold, is a stone of intellect and protection. It enhances mental stability, intelligence, logic, analysis, creativity, and memory. It can also help you tap latent mental talents and abilities, offers protection, and brings good luck.



Crystal quartz is a powerful stone that amplifies the intensity of other stones and supplies the wearer with strength and energy. It also promotes romance and encourages clarity of mind. Keeping a crystal improves perception and understanding and can balance all chakras.



Druzy quartz amplifies the intensity of other stones and supplies strength and energy. It promotes romance and encourages clarity of mind.


Golden Rutilated

Golden rutilated quartz heightens the energy of other stones and is an important healing stone. It illuminates the soul, cleanses and energizes, removes barriers to spiritual growth, and filters negative energy. It is an excellent stone to use if you need to change your direction in life. It soothes dark moods, offering relief from fears, phobias, and anxiety, and is an excellent balancing stone for a sad or weak heart.



Rose quartz is a stone of unconditional love that opens the heart chakra to all forms of love: family, platonic, self, and romantic. It enhances love in any situation, brings inner warmth, lowers stress, and soothes those around it. It is a very happy and loving stone.



Smoky quartz is known as nature's stone of endurance, if you need a boost, wear smoky quartz. It promotes personal pride and joy in living, creativity in business, and opens the path for perception and learning. It transmutes negative energies enhances organizational skills.



Snow quartz is a calming and soothing stone. It is helpful for meditation and looking within. It is a very yin, feminine type of quartz often used for purification. Also known as milky quartz or white quartz, it is said to be particularly beneficial for the immune system and will bring good fortune.



Strawberry Quartz amplifies the benefits of other crystals and can be infused with any intention. Uses include repelling negative energy and assisting with clarity. Attributes include universal love, understanding of purpose, and seizing the day. Carrying Strawberry Quartz can be soothing and calming for someone who works in a fast-paced environment. It assists in bringing balance to the psyche and emotions.



Tourmalated quartz is a VERY lucky stone. Quartz is a natural amplifier, and black tourmaline is cleansing and grounding. It helps with clear thinking, protects from unhealthy energies, and clears energy patterns. It will bring the wearer luck in all areas of their life.

Ruby in Zoisite

Ruby in zoisite This stone will give you energies of healing and renew your commitment to a higher purpose. Ruby in zoisite is a stone of vitality and growth and a very lucky stone to have. It will attract energies of prosperity, wealth, and abundance, help you realize your dreams, and foster positive feelings in your love life.


Serpentine helps you find inner peace, offers protection against poisonous creatures, balances mood, and helps solve conflicts. It also helps relieve kidney and stomach issues, menstrual discomfort, and helps women reach orgasm.


Sodalite brings inner peace and harmony and will harmonize the inner being and the conscious and subconscious mind. It stimulates endurance and is extra lucky for writers. Healing properties: It is associated with the thyroid. Wear it when you want to lose a few pounds. It also helps with communication and will give you the confidence to be more outspoken.


Sunstone is symbolically linked to moonstone. When you carry the two stones together, it will bring the influences of the Sun (healing, protection, and success) into harmony with those of the Moon (love, peace, and spirituality). Wear Sunstone to give you extra energy when you are ill or under stress, stimulate sexual arousal, increase sexual energy, and boost your personal power of attraction.

Tiger's Eye

Tigers eye is a protection stone that is stabilizing and grounding. It enhances willpower, integrity, self-confidence, and practicality. It also helps one see clearly without illusion, enhances good luck, and brings prosperity.



Black tourmaline is known to be one of the most effective and powerful stones that can heal and protect you physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. It is highly useful in purifying and neutralizing one’s own negative thoughts and internal conflicts and turning them into positive, usable energy. It can protect you against accidents, misfortune, sickness, and everything that brings negativity or unhappiness. It’s a powerful and lucky stone that when rubbed, will intensify and amplify good luck.



Pink Tourmaline is an extraordinary crystal for cleansing the emotional body of destructive feelings and old wounds accumulated over time. It releases guilt, worry, depression, and anxiety, and guides those emotions into self-love. It helps to recover passion and a zest for life and helps the timid find the courage to love. Pink Tourmaline stimulates happiness and joy, peace, and relaxation.


Turquoise is a very beneficial stone for a myriad of reasons. It encourages wisdom, understanding, good health, and will boost the immune system. It also attracts luck, prosperity, and healthy relationships.